Browsing Archive: April, 2013
Posted by naomi lethbridge on Monday, April 29, 2013,

Last night staged a thunderstorm of Biblical ferocity. The thunder was so loud it seemed that the windows were vibrating, and you could feel the static in the air. Since the tectonic activity my faith in the stability of the building has grown, though it was severely tested last night. Within minutes the streets had become raging torrents, and the rain was so heavy it could have left bruises, and in such quantities that you wonder how it is possible that so much water can be up in the sky ...
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The Problem of Li Ja Tuo Bridge
Posted by naomi lethbridge on Thursday, April 25, 2013,
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This morning began with with some spectacular Sherlock Holmes style fog. Walking up the road at 6:30 this morning I was on the lookout for any rogue Andaman Islanders or cyclists sporting fake beards. I've begun to grow accustomed to being saluted by uniformed car park attendants - who wouldn't be out of place in an episode of Mission Impossible or a central American coup d'etat - but I worry I'll not get the same treatment from the NCP. I was out at the University giving a talk and doing ...
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Power Ballad PTSD
Posted by naomi lethbridge on Tuesday, April 23, 2013,
If further proof of my reverse Midas touch were necessary, my earlier mention of earthquake shelters came back to haunt me. I was awake at the time, and the feeling was unmistakeable (I recall from the simulator at the Science Museum) and far more distressing than my previous seismic experience. Leaping out of bed, by the time I had decided which of the concrete beams looked least likely to tumble, it had finished. I am devoid of window sills, so could not follow the Jodie Foster shelter ...
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Fitting Tribute
Posted by naomi lethbridge on Saturday, April 20, 2013,
The last few days have seen the arrival of the summer, after what I'm told was an unusually long spring. Temperatures, humidity and smog has increased, as have the local aromas which I had been adapting to. There have also been some spectacular thunderstorms, although my traditional enjoyment at watching them was lessened a little by the strength of the wind and the wafer thin walls. But it was nice that something could drown out the constant chorus of car horns, and I can understand that...
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Versatile Pie
Posted by naomi lethbridge on Tuesday, April 16, 2013,
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After spending some time at the University, working with students (who attend lectures at 8:30am) and exploring the fabulous purpose built ruins and amphitheatre type structure that has been constructed, I have noticed that there seems to be a universal language of academics being unable to correctly operate a powerpoint presentation. There also seemed to be some form of biblical plague. Thousands of miniscule toads were hopping along the campus roads, all in the same direction, in what was...
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Night at the Museum
Posted by naomi lethbridge on Monday, April 15, 2013,
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Just returned to Chongqing from a couple of days in Nanchong, a city about three hours away. Kind of like Perth to Chongqing's Dundee. After the gridlock of Chongqing it was surreal to be on a motorway which was virtually deserted in both directions, save for the occassional pedestrian or military truck. I was quite glad of this as the driver conducted conversations on two different phones throughout the journey. It was nice to be travelling through a rural area, I was in need of a terrac... Continue reading ...
The Dangers of Dimly Lit Grapes
Posted by naomi lethbridge on Wednesday, April 10, 2013,
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I must begin by describing a harrowing incident which took place on Sunday evening. Whilst talking with a local sculptor and his wife in a poorly lit area of a gallery, I nonchalantly popped what I assumed was a grape into my mouth. Imagine my horror when it revealed itself to be an inappropriately shaped cherry tomato. Unable to spit it out, I had to bravely power through it, before beginning a frantic search for some 'Great Wall' Merlot to take the taste away.
In another gastronomic adven...
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Cash Bonfires and Bird Flu
Posted by naomi lethbridge on Monday, April 8, 2013,

This week has been the annual tomb sweeping day, a national holiday when people return to their home towns and families to tend the graves of their forebears, place offerings and burn Hell Money. It is apparently unlucky and offensive to gift Hell Money to a living person, so that sorts out Chinese souvenirs for my enemies. I chose to mark the day by remembering the time my Grandma nearly came to blows with father over the ownership of a Welsh tapestry glasses case (in which he keeps his mo...
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Little Red Menu
Posted by naomi lethbridge on Wednesday, April 3, 2013,
The last few days has seen the belated arrival of my traditional tonsilitis style illness whenever I travel by plane. As I think I'm the only (non rodent) person in the studios overnight, the associated snoring/teeth grinding/night sweats don't seem to be affecting any others, and I obviously travel with a fully stocked pharmacy. Whilst travelling about I was shown my local earthquake shelter, which was something I hadn't thought to worry about; I'm not sure how much warning earthquakes tra... Continue reading ...