Dame Julie in Mechanical Form
Posted by naomi lethbridge on Saturday, May 4, 2013

Thankfully recent days have been without natural disasters/acts of God, which is always a bonus. The heat has persisted, though this has dried out my laundry quickly so I shan't complain. Last night the adjoining studio hosted a piano recital. It was very enjoyable, the young chap treated us to Beethoven's Pathetique, and was not annoyed when a phone rang. As it was his own phone I suppose he couldn't really throw a diva strop. He had spent the afternoon rehearsing, and at one point came through to my studio and gesticulated at me in a most agitated state. Through the power of mime I managed to establish that he wished to borrow some nail clippers, which I was delighted to be able to supply. I had been feeling somewhat melancholy, and it only occurred to me later that this was probably related to the theme from 'Schindler's List' being practiced for several hours. Since I neglected to bring my Flugal Horn with me I didn't join in; probably sensible, I'm not certain how fond the Chinese are of Brass Bands.
In more musical news, the 'Chongqing Concerto for Train, Lorry and Siren', performed daily as a 4am fanfare, has a new movement. I was surprised to hear a horn which sounded exactly like the yodelling bit from 'The Lonely Goatherd'. Devoted as I am to Julie Andrews, the thought that a response from a Dick Van Dyke themed horn was a serious concern. Had it been 'Le Jazz Hot' however, that would have been an entirely different matter. Ear plugs would be a solution but I am unable to sleep with them in as the certainty that they'll somehow be sucked into my brain keeps me awake. In non musical events, I embarrassed myself in a shop by squealing like a girl when a tiny kitten pounced onto my shoulder from a shelf of vacuum packed tofu snacks. Cute as the little beast was, I fear that I cannot return to that shop for fear of further disgracing the empire or being set upon by an entire litter.
Beverage of choice: 'TY Avril Lavigne Lemon Ice Tea', I had no idea she was so globally relevant. I'm also very excited to have discovered the 'Combat Zone' series of Lego ('Brick' as it is called here). It is a sad loss to the British Lego market that we do not have access to this range. I sense a business opportunity.